Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I met Santa!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I participated in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Light the Night Walk. There were lots of people there and we all took a walk together – what a great idea!
I also started crawling a few weeks ago. As you know, I’ve had the crawling position down for about a month, but about a week before my six month birthday, I was on the move! I really like to go after things that aren't mine - like remotes, phones, cameras, wires, etc. That's the fun stuff! Mommy and Daddy always move it before I get there though - I need to work on my speed!
I started eating real food! Mommy and Daddy (ok, really it's all Daddy) is making my food for me. I started with sweet potatoes and they're yummy! Daddy's a great cook!
I went to Wurstfest on opening night. I just love music and dancing so I loved it! The next morning, I did the Wurstfest Five Mile Run. It was cold (see the picture of me in the hat). Before I was born, Mommy always beat Daddy when they ran. Well, Mommy said she passed the Girl Power on to me and Daddy and I beat Mommy in the race!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Beach Baby!!
The weather was perfect. I took my morning nap during my six mile run on the beach. Then I was ready to play! It was so much fun. My mommy is still obsessed about keeping me out of the sun since I am still not old enough to wear sunscreen, but she let me be exposed to a little sun for these few pictures.
Next year, I am going to build sandcastles!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Frequent Flyer!
I went on my first airplane trip! Mommy, Daddy, and I went to Indianapolis because I wanted to meet my Great Grandma. Great Grandma and I had so much fun together. We sat and played and did a lot of smiling at each other. She thought that I was adorable and very active!! I showed her all of my tricks! I also met my Great Uncle Gary, Great Aunt Sheryl, and my mommy’s cousin Tamara and her two children, Ashlyn and Bryant. Ashlyn is eight years old and she loved to play with me. Bryant said he didn’t really like babies, but I loved watching him play with his cars.
I loved flying. Daddy bought me my own seat on all of the flights. I sat there during take off and landing and also when I wanted to nap. The rest of the time I played. I was so well behaved on the flights that people commented on what a good traveler I was! I guess that means I get to go on our next big trip, which is to Orlando in November.
Another fun thing about Indiana was that it was cold! Mommy put sweaters on me and wrapped a blanket over me when I was in the car seat. We went on an eight mile run on Saturday and I wore a hat to keep my head warm. The trees were changing color and it was so beautiful. It was a big change from Texas!
I also started saying “da-da”. I can have an entire conversation just saying “da-da” over and over.
I love my Great Grandma – she is so much fun!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Playing at school tires me out. I sleep on the way home from school, which is about a 45 minute drive because of traffic. After my first day of school, I fell asleep in my backyard swing! After my second day of school, I fell asleep in the middle of playing on the floor!!
I am very active – I love to play. I love to stick my bottom in the air and then scoot around on my tummy. I also love to be up on my hands and knees – in perfect crawling position. My legs are all ready to go, but my hands don’t know how to move in the crawling position so I just get on my hands and knees and rock.
I also learned how to sit! I love to sit and play with my toys.
I also started eating rice cereal. The first few times, I made my mommy and daddy do all sorts of games and noises before I would open my mouth to eat the cereal. It was pretty funny to watch them. Now I give them a break and open my mouth to eat the cereal. However, you better watch me because sometimes I spit it back out!
I also learned to play the xylophone. I am a very cute musician. If I ever have any concerts, I will definitely invite you!
I turned five months old this past Sunday, but thought I should share my official four month stats with you. I weighed 12 pounds 6 ounces (25% percentile) and was 24.5 inches tall (50% percentile). Mommy and Grandma did unofficial (not at a doctor’s office) measurements on my five month birthday and I was 13 pounds 5 ounces and 25 inches tall. I am really growing!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
17 Weeks Old
We went to the RiverWalk with my Great Aunt Kathy and Andy since they were visiting from out of state. This is a picture of me and Daddy on the river boat ride. It was my first boat ride!
These are a few pictures of me playing around. I have started to like my Bumbo chair.
This week we had a playdate with my mommy's friend and her baby, Timmy. This was my first playdate with a baby younger than I am. I showed him how I roll all around.
Monday, August 17, 2009
16 Weeks Old
I went to lunch with my friend, Austin Rudolph, and his mommy this week. I also met my daddy for lunch one day. I went to the library for the first time and Mommy picked out some great books - we've already read them several times. We need to go back and get some more!! We also went to Town Lake for a run on the weekend. I slept the whole time and let Mommy and Daddy do all of the running.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
15 Weeks
We went to visit my school so that I could meet the teachers. I was on my best behavior - I was all smiles.
Road Trip!! We went on my first road trip this week to celebrate my mommy's birthday. We went to Houston and stayed downtown and saw an Astros game. I did a really good job cheering so the Astros won!! I will admit that I took a one hour nap during the game, but the team didn't mind. I was so good the entire trip - I think that I'll be invited on lots more vacations!
This is me getting excited for our trip!
This is me and Mommy swimming in Houston!
After my road trip, I needed a nap!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
14 Weeks Old
Everytime someone puts me down on my back, I pretty much automatically roll over. I make you work hard if you want to keep me on my back to play with me. With all of this extra exercise that I'm getting now, I've added a midnight feeding to my schedule. I know Mommy likes this extra time that we spend together in the middle of the night.
Since I am a big girl now, I've also decided that I should start sleeping in. I like to sleep until about 9am. Mommy and Daddy like it now, but I've heard them say that once Mommy goes back to work I will have to wake up at like 6:30am!! I think that we need to talk about that!
Last week I also had a play date. My friend had cool toys and since he is five months old, he can do super cool stuff like sit up on his own!
I also went to my cousins', Maddy and Katie, end of camp performance at T Bar M. Afterwards, my cousins took me on a tour of the camp. I am now able to ride in my Baby Bjorn facing outwards so that's how I was on the tour. It was so comfy that I just fell asleep!!
Ah, the life of a baby!!