I've been pretty busy so haven't had a chance to write for a couple of weeks. So I'll give you a quick update. Mommy and Daddy took me to a pumpkin patch. I heard Mommy say she wanted to get some great pictures of me. However, I was so amazed with the stems on the pumpkins, that I couldn’t take a break to look at the camera. Mommy and Daddy got a lot of pictures of the top of my head!
I participated in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Light the Night Walk. There were lots of people there and we all took a walk together – what a great idea!
I also started crawling a few weeks ago. As you know, I’ve had the crawling position down for about a month, but about a week before my six month birthday, I was on the move! I really like to go after things that aren't mine - like remotes, phones, cameras, wires, etc. That's the fun stuff! Mommy and Daddy always move it before I get there though - I need to work on my speed!
I celebrated my big six month birthday!! Gramma made me a birthday hat, which I loved and wore for hours.
I started eating real food! Mommy and Daddy (ok, really it's all Daddy) is making my food for me. I started with sweet potatoes and they're yummy! Daddy's a great cook!
I went to Wurstfest on opening night. I just love music and dancing so I loved it! The next morning, I did the Wurstfest Five Mile Run. It was cold (see the picture of me in the hat). Before I was born, Mommy always beat Daddy when they ran. Well, Mommy said she passed the Girl Power on to me and Daddy and I beat Mommy in the race!
For Halloween I was a ladybug - I loved my costume. I don't mind things on my head at all. Mommy and Daddy thought I was the cutest bug around!
Those are the highlights!!