Timmy is so cute!
Daddy and I had so much fun together...until late Sunday afternoon. I was bit by a bug on Saturday and on Sunday, I had to go to the emergency room because the right side of my face was all swollen! They drained the swelling and gave me some medicine and said I could go home. But...Mommy's flight was delayed and she couldn't get home until Monday morning. When I woke up on Monday morning, my face was all swollen again! I could barely see out of my eye. I went to my doctor and she gave me a shot. Slowly, the swelling started to go down. Based on tests that the emergency doctor did, I wasn't allergic to the bug. I got an infection in the bite. Through it all, (except for when they drained the swollen area), I was my happy self. I made it easy on Daddy.
This weekend, Mommy stayed home. Yay! We played one of my favorite games where we put lots of bows in my hair and Mommy's!

I have so many new skills...I am very good with my sign language and use it all of the time. With sign language, I say: please, more, and eat. I am learning to say thank you, but sometimes I get that one confused with blowing kisses. I love to blow kisses! I am also learning to sign "all done" so Mommy and Daddy know when I am done eating!
In real words, I love to say "hi!". I am very friendly. I say "shoes," too, because I love shoes!
Then, we played in the little pool in the front yard. I had my first pigtails! Daddy kept putting his feet in MY little pool. I let him know that was NOT allowed!